Sunday, January 8, 2012

Juanary 8, 2012

It took many years to get these pillowcases finished.  I started embroidering them before my daughter was born and when she came, I was too busy taking care of her to do much needlework.  I put them aside for a number of years.  My daughter got to be a teenager when they were unearthed once more and she liked them so much, that I told her that if she finished the embroidery, I would give them to her.  So, she worked on the embroidery and got them done.  Then they were put away for a number of years until I got brave enough to work with the fine crochet thread to crochet the skirts and edging.  All told, it probably took 25 years before these pillowcases were done so that they could be used. I wrapped them and gave them to my daughter for a Christmas present about five years ago.


  1. Oh my, these bring back memories! We had a set of these back when I was a girl; and they were done in a varigated pink also. Beatiful!
    Lucille in NC

    1. I am glad that you liked the pillowcases. I remember buying them as a kit in the year of 1971 , the year I married. Thought they would make wonderful pillowcases for my bed. Now they grace my daughter's. Well, maybe not, she found out that when laundered, she had to iron and starch the skirt of the ladies.
